Add a write-off or write-on transaction

Although the instructions and screenshots on this page relate to adding a write-OFF transaction, similar steps and screens apply to adding a write-ON transaction.

WIP Center - View, Add and Edit transactions

Write-offs (ons) can be applied when a job is open and can also be applied during the invoicing process and on closing a job. The write-off process can begin with a fixed amount that you want to write-off, or you might build a write-off amount by selecting individual WIP items on the job. In both cases two events need to occur:

  1. The allocation of the write-off to the relevant WIP items, and
  2. The assignment of the write-off, to the firm or staff.
See Also:

Edit draft invoices

Edit the write-off setting

Use the job details page

View your WIP and edit WIP items